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Acupuncture - Actual Client Examples

Many people are curious about the different options for pets at our holistic animal hospital in Gainesville. We wanted to share a few examples with you!

'Tripoli' Bryant does agility and has had a couple of surgical mass removals.  Mrs. Briant usually brings him right before his trials so he has the best chance to perform well.  He has really done well with 'aqua acupuncture.' (B12 at acupuncture points)

'Reeger' Newman came in to see us because of trouble walking.  After a couple of acupuncture treatments, he wasn't slipping anymore, and he was walking much better! Newman is 140 pound great dane, so his mobility is REALLY important.

'Midnite' Miller came in the first time to see us child's double stroller because she couldn't walk at all. After a few visits she was up and walking great.  Of course the owner were SUPER


'Willie' Decker came to see Dr. Spinosa at the holistic hospital for a back injury. He did much better after his initial acupuncture sessions and now comes monthly to maintain the good condition.

If you are interested in seeing Dr. Spinosa to discuss if your pet's conditions can be improved by the use of acupuncture, please give us a call! We would love to help!

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